Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Ghoulish Halloween Party (part 2 of 2)

And don’t forget the music. You can easily find Halloween music in the nearest record store or in the internet. For further enjoyment, you can ask the kids to dance in a “monstery” or ghoulish kind of way. You can even give a prize to the kid that will give the best monster dance.

Don’t forget to give prizes to your game winners. This will encourage them to participate ze to the kid that will give the best monster dance.

Don’t forget to give prizes to your game winners. This will encourage them to participate in the next games.

Another game which seems to popular is the building a scarecrow game. This involves having several groups of children make their won scarecrow using pillow cases, old clothes, newspapers, cardboards, tapes or adhesives, and markers. You will have to prepare some old clothes for this one. The children will definitely enjoy making something that often see in television and books.

You can also have a Halloween candy hunt which basically is a variation of the Easter egg hunt. By this time, we just hope that the kids haven’t discovered yet the candies you hid around the area.

Don’t forget to have a scary story telling time as well. Ask one of your guests or friends to tell a story to the kids at the party. Avoid making the story too scary though.

There are other ghoulish Halloween party games that can still do. Just remember that this is the children’s day and your objective is to have them enjoy the day.

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